HERE WE FIND A WIDE VARIETY, SOMETHING FOR ALL. Me I am interested in learning about everything.
My curosity is endless. I may never use what I learn. But I still want to know.
Smoking Devils Tower
Once you enter the park stop and see the prairie dogs in their village on the left. These little fellows will pose for your pic's. The smoke you see is real, the woods at the base were on fire.
Snakes Live on top of Devil's Tower, so I advise care.
Devil's Tower
Yes it is real smoke at the base not fog. I happen to arrive when the surrounding area was on fire. I got some great pic's.
This is a site everyone should see. The large scale of equipment is mind boggling. The trucks and machines you see here are huge, on the scale of three or four story building from the look of them. The men working inside the equipment look like tiny dolls.